Embroidery for Beginners-French Knots

Embroidery French Knot


 French knots produce knots with different size of your demand. They are generally used in embroidery for small details like an eye of a person or an animal, polka dots, even( as a group) to fill the inside of some figures.

 EQUIPMENT : Appropriate fabric (linen, aida cloth, silk, calico, cotton, satin, velvet, dress fabric, etc.),  embroidery thread in different/demanded colors, scissor, embroidery needle and embroidery hoop.

 1-Attach your fabric into your embroidery hoop. Make sure your fabric is tight inside the hoop and smooth without wrinkles. Tighten the hoop around your fabric if necessary.

embroidery hoop

2-Pass your needle from back to front with thread.

Embroidery French Knot

3-Place the needle close to the fabric. Wrap the thread around needle (once, twice or three times depends on the final size of knot that you need), as shown.

Embroidery French Knot

Embroidery French Knot

Embroidery French Knot

4-Pull the thread to make it tighten.

Embroidery French Knot

5-Insert the tip of your needle through return point. Just near to start point, but not the start point on your fabric.  From front to back of your fabric.

And the final is :

Embroidery French Knot

Additional Sources :

Embroidery Course-Pack
Embroidery Course-Pack

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